Sunday, April 24, 2011

Sunday Snippets! and Easter!

Christ has risen indeed he is risen!  Alleluia!  Alleluia!  Happy Easter everyone!  In addition to Easter it's also time for drumroll please..-_-_O (For those of you who are wondering it's a drum rolling.)  Sunday Snippets!   My posts for the week are:

Gospel of the Day 18/4/11
Gospel of the day 19/4/11
Marriage and Montreal
Gospel of the Day 20/4/11
Gospel of the Day 21/4/11
Two Really Great Blogs
Gospel of the Day 23/4/11
Gospel of the Day 24/4/11

P.S There isn't a Gospel for the twenty-second because we always shut down all our computers on Good Friday.

That's all for now!


  1. At the bottom of your blog is a music thingy can you please get that off? I don't like it.

    Your Sister

  2. Nope, sorry sis. It's there for good.
